white house near plant illustration
Photo by Greg Leaman on Unsplash

Choosing the Perfect Location for Your Container Home

Hello fellow container home enthusiasts! I’m Emily Owens, your trusted guide in the world of innovative living spaces made from shipping containers. For the past four years, I’ve been sharing insights, ideas, and a dash of humor about container homes. Today, let’s embark on an exciting journey to discover the art of choosing the perfect location for your container home.

Container homes are not just a trend; they’re a sustainable, cost-effective, and stylish way to create your dream living space. But before you start dreaming of cozy evenings in your steel cocoon, you need to pick the right spot for it. After all, location is everything!

Local Regulations and Zoning Laws

First things first, let’s get the boring stuff out of the way. Before you even think about laying the foundation (pun intended), it’s crucial to research your local regulations and zoning laws. Not all areas are container-home friendly, and you don’t want to invest in this exciting project only to have it squashed by bureaucratic red tape.

For example, some places might allow container homes in certain zones but have strict guidelines regarding their design and placement. Make sure to check if there are any size limitations, setback requirements, or permits needed. Remember, you don’t want your container home to turn into a “container headache.”

Climate Considerations

Next up, let’s talk weather. Your container home will need to withstand the elements, so it’s essential to choose a location that suits the climate. For instance, if you’re in a chilly northern climate, consider insulating your container home to keep it warm and cozy during those harsh winters. In contrast, in hot, sunny regions, you’ll want to plan for adequate ventilation and shading to prevent it from feeling like an oven.

For inspiration, look at examples like the Joshua Tree Container House in California, designed to blend seamlessly with its desert surroundings, offering both style and comfort.

Scenic Views and Natural Surroundings

One of the fantastic perks of container homes is their versatility in design. You can use them to embrace the natural beauty of your chosen location fully. If you’re lucky enough to have picturesque surroundings, plan your container home to maximize those views.

Imagine sipping your morning coffee while gazing at a serene lake or rugged mountains. Think about large windows or even a rooftop deck to take full advantage of the scenery. Container homes are like the chameleons of the architectural world – they can blend in or stand out, depending on how you design them.

Utilities and Infrastructure

Let’s get practical for a moment. Access to utilities and infrastructure is crucial when choosing a location for your container home. You’ll need water, electricity, sewage, and possibly gas connections, depending on your preferences and local regulations.

If your chosen spot is off the grid, you’ll need to explore alternative options, such as solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and composting toilets. It’s all about balancing your desire for a remote, idyllic location with the practicalities of modern living.


While the idea of a remote container retreat is appealing, consider accessibility. You don’t want your dream home to become a logistical nightmare. Think about how easy it is to get to your chosen spot, especially if it’s a seasonal or weekend getaway.

If your location is challenging to access, consider factors like road conditions and how you’ll transport materials and supplies. The last thing you want is to get stuck in the mud while trying to reach your container oasis.

Community and Amenities

Container homes can be a statement of individuality, but they also thrive in the right communities. Consider the proximity to essential amenities like grocery stores, healthcare facilities, and schools if you have a family. Being part of a community can make your container living experience even more enjoyable.

Additionally, check if there are other container homeowners nearby. They can provide valuable insights and support as you embark on this unique living adventure. Who knows, you might even start a container home neighborhood trend!

Budget Constraints

Ah, yes, the B-word – budget. We can’t escape it. Your dream location should align with your financial reality. Remember, the cost of land varies significantly from place to place. A serene mountaintop hideaway might be beautiful, but it could also drain your wallet faster than you can say “container home.”

Be realistic about what you can afford, not just in terms of land purchase but also ongoing expenses like property taxes and utilities. Remember, a container home is an investment, and you want it to be a sustainable one.

Future Plans and Expansion

Containers are like building blocks for your imagination. Think about your future plans and whether your chosen location allows for expansion. Maybe you want to add a guest room, a workspace, or even a pool. Make sure your location can accommodate your long-term vision.

Consider the story of the Phoenix Container House in Arizona. This container home started as a modest one-bedroom dwelling and has since expanded into a stunning desert retreat with multiple containers and a pool. The lesson? Choose a location that allows your dreams to grow.


Choosing the perfect location for your container home is an exciting part of the journey. It’s where your dreams and reality meet, and with careful consideration, you can create a harmonious blend of style, comfort, and sustainability. Remember, whether you’re nestled in the woods, perched on a cliff, or settled in a bustling urban neighborhood, your container home can be the sanctuary you’ve always envisioned. So, go forth, find your perfect spot, and let your container adventure begin!

Emily Owens is a visionary in the world of architecture and sustainable living, known for her pioneering work in transforming shipping containers into innovative and eco-friendly homes. Born with a deep passion for design and a commitment to environmental sustainability, Emily's journey into the world of container homes has been nothing short of remarkable. Early Life and Education: Emily Owens was born in a small coastal town, where she developed an early appreciation for the beauty of nature and a desire to protect it. Her fascination with architecture and design began at a young age when she would spend hours sketching out creative home concepts on scraps of paper. It was clear from the start that Emily had a unique talent and a clear vision for the future of housing. Emily pursued her academic journey with dedication and purpose. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from a prestigious university, where she honed her design skills and gained a deep understanding of sustainable building practices. During her studies, she became increasingly drawn to alternative housing solutions that could minimize the environmental impact of construction while providing comfortable and affordable living spaces for people. Container Homes Revolution: After completing her formal education, Emily Owens embarked on a mission to revolutionize the housing industry. She was inspired by the potential of repurposing shipping containers as the building blocks for her sustainable creations. Emily recognized that these steel structures, often discarded and forgotten, could be transformed into functional and aesthetically pleasing homes. Emily founded her own architectural firm, "Owens Container Homes," where she assembled a team of like-minded individuals who shared her passion for sustainability and innovative design. Together, they began designing and building container homes that not only pushed the boundaries of creativity but also set new standards for eco-friendly living. Innovation and Impact: Over the years, Emily Owens and her team have created a diverse portfolio of container homes, each a testament to her dedication to sustainability and her commitment to excellence in design. Her work has received widespread recognition and numerous awards, solidifying her position as a pioneer in the field of container home architecture. Beyond her innovative designs, Emily has been a tireless advocate for environmentally conscious living. She has participated in conferences, given TED talks, and written extensively on the benefits of container homes, emphasizing their efficiency, affordability, and minimal environmental footprint. Legacy and Future: Today, Emily Owens continues to push the boundaries of container home design and sustainable living. Her vision extends beyond just architecture; it encompasses a future where people prioritize eco-friendly choices in all aspects of their lives. She remains dedicated to inspiring others to embrace sustainable living and to see the potential in reimagining the spaces we inhabit. Emily Owens, the woman who turned containers into homes, stands as a beacon of innovation and sustainability. Her legacy is a testament to the power of passion, vision, and determination to make the world a better place—one container at a time.